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July 20, 2017 HAEIDD and HIDB Board Meeting - Final Agenda

Final Agenda for the July 20, 2017 HAEIDD and HIDB Board Meeting, 8:00 am @ the SLU SBDC Building, Conference Room 131, 1514 Martens Drive, Hammond.

  1. Call to Order: Board President Joseph Mier
  2. Roll Call: Michael Tomlinson, Executive Director
    1. HAEIDD: Joseph Mier ( ), David Faucheux ( ), Hart Bordelon ( ), Dr. Aristides Baraya ( ), Janet Davis ( ), Alexis Ducorbier ( ), Sandy Summers ( ) Randy Vicknair ( )
    2. HIDB: Hart Bordelon ( ), Perry Catchings ( ), Janet Davis ( ), Alexis Ducorbier ( ), David Faucheux ( ), Lacy Landrum ( ), Joseph Mier ( ), Mayor Pete Panepinto ( ), Randy Vicknair ( )
  3. Introduction of Guests:
  4. Minutes: Approval of Minutes: June 15, 2017 Meeting at 8:00am (Section 1)
  5. Public Comments:
  6. Financial Reports: Paul Riggs, James Lambert Riggs & Associates, Inc. (Section 2)
  7. Director’s Report: Michael Tomlinson, Executive Director (Section 3)
  8. Resolution to call special election: (Section 4)
    1. To consider and take action with respect to adopting a resolution ordering and calling a special election to be held in the Hammond Area Economic and Industrial Development District to authorize the levy of a hotel occupancy tax; making application to the State Bond Commission in connection therewith; and providing other matters in connection therewith.
  9. Resolution for HAEIDD credit card:
    1. A resolution to approve the request for Mr. Michael Tomlinson to establish a credit card with First Guaranty Bank; to approve Mr. Michael Tomlinson, Executive Director, to hold a credit card on behalf of the Hammond Area Economic and Industrial Development District; and approve the credit limit to be $3,000.00.
  10. Old Business: None
  11. New Business:
    1. RFP for Fiscal Agent and options for City under 100,000. (Section 5)
  12. Legal Report: Seale & Ross, PLC
  13. Administration Report: Mayor Pete Panepinto
  14. President/Executive Committee Report: President Joe Mier
  15. Discussion Items not on Agenda:
  16. Adjourn
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